
Diagnosing your pet’s illness the same day

Our capability to diagnose your pet’s illness right away sets us apart from other hospitals. We take pride in diagnosing your pet at the “point of care” to start treatment of your pet right away without losing any time and unnecessary pain to the pet.

Family Pet Hospital has made a tremendous investment in setting up and maintaining advanced diagnostic capabilities.

We believe in early diagnosis for better prevention and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Family Pet Hospital has state-of-the-art in-house lab and other capabilities to run a wide variety of diagnostic tests at “point of care”. We believe in diagnosing and treating your pet the same day without any delay.

As we continually strive to diagnose and treat your pet the same day we offer the highest quality digital radiography at the “point of care”.

Our “point of care” ultrasound capability enhances our ability to diagnose and/or confirm diseases associated with all the body systems. By doing ultrasound in-house is not only superior diagnostic modality and affordable but reduces the possibility of referral to the specialty clinics. We offer a variety of ultrasonic scans like complete abdominal, cardiac (echo), prostate, bladder, spleen, kidneys, pregnancy and others. Ultrasound results are interpreted in-house and/or by the remote specialist even within hours in urgent complicated cases.

Treating your pet’s illness the same day

One of the reasons of diagnosing right away is to start treating your pet’s condition without losing time. Whether your pet has acute/chronic medical issues or endocrine problems or you need behavioral, nutritional or pain management consultations we are one stop shop. Your participation in every step of your pet’s healthcare process is important to us so we can cater to your pet’s individual and special needs better.

Safety of your pet under anesthesia is our #1 priority!

Is Anesthesia Safe For My Pet?

No doubt this can be a source of anxiety and stress for many pet owners. General anesthetic procedure is required for professional dental cleaning and for any other pain free minor/major surgical procedures. Maybe you worry about whether your pet will be well-cared for, or perhaps you have concerns about adequate precautions and monitoring. Let us address your concerns. Whether your pet needs anesthesia for dental cleaning or a complex procedure, don’t settle less than the best and safest anesthetic protocols we offer.

What Makes Our Anesthesia Safe?

Pre-Anesthetic Physical Exam: To make sure your pet is overtly healthy to go under anesthesia.

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work: To make sure your pet is also healthy internally. It’s a mandatory and important part of our anesthetic safety procedure. This info is very important in choosing a safer anesthetic protocol for your pet.

Pain Medication: To make this process pain free and reduces pet’s anxiety and need for general anesthetic agent. A combination of mild sedative and pain medicines are given 30 minutes before anesthetic process.

Human Grade Anesthetic and Induction Meds: We only use human grade medicines like Propofol and Sevoflurane for induction and maintenance of anesthesia. The benefit pet goes under quickly and recovers faster reducing anesthetic and recovery time.

IV Catheter: In all anesthetic procedure we have IV catheter in place to deal with any emergency situation quickly.

State-of-the-art Monitoring Equipment: Not only a dedicated Vet Tech is monitoring anesthetic procedure but also your pet is being monitored for temperature, pulse quality, respiration rate, heart rate, EKG, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation using State-of-the-Art monitoring equipment.

Endotracheal Tube (ET) in Place: In every anesthetic procedure we use ET to keep the trachea open to supply anesthetic agent efficiently to the pet.

IV Fluid with Infusion Pump: Every pet under general anesthesia receives IV fluids to maintain body functions.

Temperature Maintenance: Warm circulating pads/heater and IV line warming equipment are used during anesthesia and recovery processes.

Dedicated Vet Tech: Helping DVM and maintaining optimal conditions for the pet under anesthesia.

Bad Breath in Pets – It’s a sign of an unhealthy mouth and is a major problem 

We have advanced equipment and techniques to perform not only routine dental cleaning, diagnose dental problems but also complex dental procedures like teeth extractions (simple or complex) and gingival flaps.

Why Professional Teeth Cleaning?

Does your furry friend have bad breath? Despite what many pet owners may believe, “dog breath” is not just a nuisance – it’s a sign of an unhealthy mouth and a sign of a major problem. Over time, bacteria lead to plaque and tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth. The mouth is considered the gateway of the body. Bad teeth not only lead to dental diseases (tartar, gingivitis, periodontal diseases), but also affect internal organ systems, especially the kidneys and heart.

How can you afford Professional Teeth Cleaning?

Did you know our Platinum dog/cat Saving Plans covers it all? These plans are not only affordable but also divide the cost of professional teeth cleaning over period of one year.

The best surgical techniques with an excellent outcome

Surgical Procedures We Specialize In:

  • Spays and neuters
  • Skin tumors removal
  • Laceration and toe nail injury repairs
  • Exploratory (abdominal) procedure
  • Oral procedures
  • Stomach and intestine surgeries
  • Urogenital system surgeries- uterus, urinary bladder- stone or tumor removal
  • Eye and ear procedures
  • Orthopedics

Our Prices

Office VisitsPrice
Vaccine: DogsPrice
Canine Distemper/Parvo$42.85
Canine Distemper/Parvo (Adult) 3 Year$44.38
Canine Leptospirosis$30.31
Canine Bordetella$37.48
Canine Lyme$65.75
Canine Influenza (H3N2, H3N8)$76.85
Rabies 1 Year$24.64
Rabies 3 Year$36.09
Vaccine: CatsPrice
Feline Distemper/FVRCP$46.06
Feline Distemper/FVRCP (Adult) 3 Year$56.70
Feline Leukemia$48.95
Rabies 1 Year$22.34
Rabies 3 Year$36.09
Other ServicesPrice
Intestinal Parasite Screen$50.80
Deworming/Pyrantel (Hooks and Rounds)$24.95

Disclaimer: An office visit is required for any preventative care or sick visit. Unless the vaccine series is complete, any puppy vaccine past due by at least 4 weeks has to restart the vaccine series. Any adult vaccine past due by at least 6 months will need a booster in 3 weeks. The price of each vaccine is a one time charge; boosters are considered a separate charge, if needed. Prices listed are not guaranteed and are subject to change. A medical waste disposal fee ($4.50) will be added to all vaccine visits/preventative care visits.


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