Cats may be America’s #1 pet, but they fall well behind dogs in receiving veterinary care.

old cats sittingIn human years that cat is over 100-year-old person who never went to the doctor. Conditions like bad teeth and arthritis may cause a great deal of suffering and pain. You might also say they were just slowing down or had bad breath or sleeping more etc. Cats are notorious in hiding sicknesses. And if we get a chance to check them over, we can often find where a problem lies and offer management solutions to provide some relief. When our senior cats are comfortable, they are often more active and happy.

This is very common that we hear every day. Dental disease, chronic gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis and aging changes don’t care if a cat is inside or out. They still come into our cats’ lives. Parasites come inside too. Even though a cat stays inside, the outside can come in. Flea eggs can hitchhike inside on our clothes, mosquitoes can sneak in to transmit heart worm and potting soil and houseflies can carry roundworm eggs. There are lots of opportunity for cats to be exposed to these creatures. Regular checkups for your cat are also important to help your cat keep a healthy weight and alert you to troubling behaviors. So as much as we want to think that our homes are havens against illness and disease, the reality is that we need to help our cats stay feeling as good as possible with regular checkups that look for red flags and help you manage problems.

Your pet’s past visit(s) might have not gone so perfect but we can see if we find a way to make a visit less stressful for both of you. We’ve learned a lot in the past few years about how to make the visit much less stressful. Using the right kind of carrier, the right kind of handling and the right attitude, we can enjoy more pleasant visits for our cats. Tell us about your previous experiences so we can come up with a better plan for you.


All it takes is one adult worm in a cat’s heart to be fatal. Cats that die from heartworm can be clinically normal one hour before death. More than 25 percent of cats with proven heartworm infection, according to their owners, are kept indoors exclusively.


Cockroaches, mice, and flies can all carry roundworm eggs. Cats are natural hunters and will hunt them. 15 % of commercial potting soil contains roundworm eggs. Other animals in the household that go outside—like dogs and people—can bring in different parasites that can affect the indoor cat.


Yes my cat doesn’t go out but to fleas your cat doesn’t go outside to get them. Fleas can find way to any home via people, other pets. Flea allergy dermatitis and itching is the end results.


Fleas carry eggs for tapeworms; accidental ingestion of a fleas brought home by people or other pets is enough to have tapeworm infestation.

5 cats relaxing
Cat health matters too!